About Me

I’m a Computer Science Student who is interested in Mathematics, Formal Systems, Philosophy, Compilers, Structural Analysis, Boardgames, Education, Genre Fiction, Combinatorial Game Theory, TTRPGs, Linguistics, Jerma, Volleyball, Game Design and sometimes even Computer Science.

This vast selection should not highlight expertise but rather a certain lack of focus when it comes to my interests. Transitively this lack of focus will most likely also appear in my work on this blog.

I am not in the business of making this website a specific outlet for my various convictions, but rather as a creative outlet. This does not mean I have no politics or the desire to ignore politics, but rather just that I am a person who knows how internet harassment campaigns work.

About this Site

This site runs on Hugo and Nginx. Find the source code here. I am using a modified version of the m10c theme, specific thanks to vaga for making this lovely theme and making it open source.

Your Access to this site may land in my access logs. I am currently employing no external services for analytics or monitoring.